
page for my writing and stuff/all my writing ideas

I'll post up my writing and blurbs and stuff whenever I have anything too post lawl. I am trying to de-condition my brain from its social media centric ways...I get like- so up in arms over what people might think about me and how I want them to like me that I don't focus on doing things for myself. Sorry to get bleak lol, but I like tp have my own little corner of the void to shriek my jumbled thoughts into! also just realized, I CAN FINALLY PUT MY SHITTY POETRY OUT INTO THE WORLD OMG!! I keep it to myself since even if i think Im souper clever, I know its uber-doober pretentious (especially since I barely read books, let alone poetry). Sowwy Its so barren right now, BUT I am just so happy to have a place to put all my nonsense that I can barely contain myself!!!